Eve Online Implant Slots

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This article is about the nature of implants in general. For the article about the University service that provides +3 implants at a discounted price to EVE University students, see The +3 Implants Program.
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Most implants in EVE Online have three versions, with each giving better bonuses and costing a correspondingly higher amount. Be aware that some other implants only have one or two versions, however. Note also that there are a few implant types not listed here that were introduced in-game, but do not have any functionality. Jan 20, 2019 Skill hardwirings are a type of implant.In general, weapons and ship enhancements are in sets of six, which give a bonus of 1-6% to a given skill or attribute, depending on the grade of the implant, whereas industry, science and processing hardwires are in sets of three and have varying bonuses. All artwork, screenshots, characters, vehicles, storylines, world facts or other recognizable features of the intellectual property relating to these trademarks are likewise the intellectual property of CCP hf. Has granted permission to fuzzwork.co.uk to use EVE Online and all associated logos and designs for promotional and information.

Implants are items that you can plug into your character's brain to boost skills and attributes, helping you to learn faster and be more effective.

You have ten slots available in your head for implants. Each slot takes a specific kind of implant.

Slots 1-5 are for Attribute Enhancers, and slots 6-10 are for Skill Hardwirings.

To use any implant you need at least one level of Cybernetics, which itself requires Science III. The more powerful and expensive implants require more training in Cybernetics, and often cost significant amounts of ISK, but they can give you indispensable reductions in skill training times, and useful bonuses to your ship's abilities.

Implants can be acquired from Loyalty Point Stores of various corporations, storyline mission rewards, rare NPC loot drops, and of course the Marketplace.

  • 3Attribute Enhancers

Using an Implant

To install an implant, right-click on the implant and choose Plug In; the implant will take effect immediately. If you remove the implant, it is destroyed. You will not be harmed in the process, though it will sting a little. This is done by going to your Character Sheet, selecting Augmentations, right-clicking the implant in question, and selecting Unplug.

Keeping your Implants safe

Upgrading a set of implants can be an expensive decision because it destroys the old set. Instead, you could buy a jump clone, jump to it and install the new set of implants there. Each jump clone has its own set of implants. Only the implants installed in the clone you are currently occupying will have an effect. That way, the old implants are preserved as a backup when your pod is destroyed during PvP or in certain cases, by some NPCs such as Triglavians.

You regularly have to wait 24 hours to use another jump clone once you did. It should also be noted that jumping to a clone installed in the same citadel as your active clone will not effect the 24 hour cooldown timer, which may serve extremely useful when participating in a fleet, as staging systems - such as Stacmon - tend to have friendly citadels, in which a clean clone may be installed. However, you may consider jumping into a clone in the same citadel if you know that you face PvP during your next activities - and jump back afterwards. Continue reading for more tips and practical applications with jump clones.

Attribute Enhancers

Each attribute enhancing implant boosts a particular attribute, with some of the best (and rarest, and therefore most expensive) ones giving additional bonuses.

There are 5 'simple' implants for each slot: Limited (+1), Limited-Beta (+2), Basic (+3), Standard (+4), and Improved (+5).

Each slot enhances a different attribute as follows:

Slot 1 - Alpha - Ocular Filter: Perception
Slot 2 - Beta - Memory Augmentation: Memory
Slot 3 - Gamma - Neural Boost: Willpower
Slot 4 - Delta - Cybernetic Subprocessor: Intelligence
Slot 5 - Epsilon - Social Adaptation Chip: Charisma

Note: 'Simple' implants (those that only boost attributes) do not use Greek designations.

Advanced attribute implants come in sets that affect one particular stat. Each implant comes with a bonus that increases the effectiveness of all implants in the set, and a 6th-slot hardwiring adds an extra bonus.

To calculate the total bonus for a set of implants, first the set bonus multiplier is calculated by multiplying together all the set bonuses for the implants in the set. The effect bonus for each implant is then multiplied by the set bonus multiplier, and the total bonus can be found by multiplying the new effect bonus values together for each implant in the set.


Advanced Attribute Enhancer Reference

The Kronos release in June 2014 made significant changes to these, which will be reflected below.Notably, unqualified version were renamed to 'High-grade' and given a +4 bonus; some Low-grade implants were renamed to Mid-grade and given a +3 bonus; and for those, a new Low-grade version was introduced. Note that there is no consistency in which sets have which grades: some sets have High, Mid and Low grades, but some just have Mid and Low, some High and Low, and some High and Mid only. (See the Implants section near bottom of Kronos Patch Notes.)

Eve Online Implant Slots Program

CategorySecondary EffectSet NameSet Bonus per slotEffect Bonus per slotTotal EffectAttributes
1-56 (Omega)12345
Scanning/EW Radar Sensor StrengthHigh-grade Grail15%100%1%2%3%4%5%75.63%+4
Low-grade Grail0%40%+1+1+1+1+1+7+2
Ladar Sensor StrengthHigh-grade Jackal15%100%1%2%3%4%5%75.63%+4
Low-grade Jackal0%40%+1+1+1+1+1+7+2
Magnetometric Sensor StrengthHigh-grade Spur15%100%1%2%3%4%5%75.63%+4
Low-grade Spur0%40%+1+1+1+1+1+7+2
Gravimetric Sensor StrengthHigh-grade Talon15%100%1%2%3%4%5%75.63%+4
Low-grade Talon0%40%+1+1+1+1+1+7+2
Probe Scan StrengthMid-grade Virtue10%25%1%2%3%4%5%33.83%+3
Low-grade Virtue2.5%10%1%2%3%4%5%20.03%+2
EWAR module optimal rangeMid-grade Centurion10%25%1%2%3%4%5%33.83%+3
Low-grade Centurion2.5%10%1%2%3%4%5%20.03%+2
Mining Mining laser rangeMid-grade Harvest10%25%1%2%3%4%5%33.83%+3
Low-grade Harvest2.5%10%1%2%3%4%5%20.03%+2
Navigation Maximum velocityHigh-grade Snake15%200%0.5%0.625%0.75%0.875%1%24.73%+4
Mid-grade Snake10%150%0.5%0.625%0.75%0.875%1%16.02%+3
Low-grade Snake5%110%0.5%0.625%0.75%0.875%1%10.5%+2
AgilityMid-grade Nomad10%25%1%2%3%4%5%-26.93%+3
Low-grade Nomad2.5%10%1%2%3%4%5%-17.39%+2
Warp SpeedHigh-grade Ascendancy15%70%1%2%3%4%5%62.17%+4
Mid-grade Ascendancy10%35%1%2%3%4%5%36.87%+3
Tanking Armor Repair AmountHigh-grade Asklepian15%50%1%2%3%4%5%53.63%+4
Mid-grade Asklepian10%25%1%2%3%4%5%33.83%+3
Low-grade Asklepian2.5%10%1%2%3%4%5%20.03%+2
Armor HP AmountHigh-grade Amulet15%50%1%2%3%4%5%53.63%+4
Mid-grade Amulet10%25%1%2%3%4%5%33.83%+3
Low-grade Amulet2.5%10%1%2%3%4%5%20.03%+2
Shield Boost AmountHigh-grade Crystal15%50%1%2%3%4%5%53.63%+4
Mid-grade Crystal10%25%1%2%3%4%5%33.83%+3
Low-grade Crystal2.5%10%1%2%3%4%5%20.03%+2
Shield HP AmountHigh-grade Nirvana15%50%1%2%3%4%5%53.63%+4
Mid-grade Nirvana10%25%1%2%3%4%5%33.83%+3
Low-grade Nirvana2.5%10%1%2%3%4%5%20.03%+2
Other Signature Radius ReductionHigh-grade Halo15%50%1%1.25%1.5%1.75%2%-20.7%+4
Mid-grade Halo10%25%1%1.25%1.5%1.75%2%-14.3%+3
Low-grade Halo2.5%10%1%1.25%1.5%1.75%2%-8.99%+2
Subcap Remote Rep
Cycle Time Reduction
High-grade Savior15%50%1%1.5%2%2.5%3%-26.8%+4
Mid-grade Savior10%25%1%1.5%2%2.5%3%-18.6%+3
Low-grade Savior2.5%10%1%1.5%2%2.5%3%-11.9%+2
Energy Emission System
Cycle Time Reduction
High-grade Talisman15%50%1%2%3%4%5%-38.12%+4
Mid-grade Talisman10%25%1%2%3%4%5%-26.93%+3
Low-grade Talisman2.5%10%1%2%3%4%5%-17.39%+2
Booster Side Effect ReductionMid-grade Edge10%25%1%2%3%4%5%-26.93%+3
Low-grade Edge2.5%10%1%2%3%4%5%-17.39%+2
Entropic Disintegrator Maximum
Damage Bonus Multiplier / Damage
Multipler Bonus per cycle penalty
High-grade Mimesis20%80%1.5%2%2.5%3%3.5%+69.67%+4
Mid-grade Mimesis20%60%1.25%1.75%2.25%2.75%3.25%+53.31%+3
Low-grade Mimesis20%50%1.%1.5%2%2.5%3%+43.11%+2
Eve online implant slots login

Special Genolution Core Augmentation Set

A new set of implants were introduced by CCP (as special limited items) that have bonuses but do not fit the standard pattern and are not Tech 2 implants. The CA-1 and CA-2 were introduced as holiday giveaway items while the CA-3 and CA-4 were initially available only through a special purchase of commemorative items, but were reissued as anniversary giveaway items. These implants require only Cybernetics II and Science III.

CA-1 - Perception +3; provides +1.5% powergrid and capacitor amount bonus; 50% bonus for set
CA-2 - Intelligence +3; provides +1.5% CPU and capacitor recharge bonus; 40% bonus for set
CA-3 - Willpower +3; provides +1.5% ship velocity and shield capacity bonus; 30% bonus for set
CA-4 - Memory +3; provides +1.5% ship agility and armor hit points bonus; 20% bonus for set

Total Effect Bonus is 4.25% for a full set for each of the bonuses. Because each implant gives bonus to a different attribute, they are not combined like the T2 implant bonuses.

Skill Hardwirings

Eve Online Implant Slot 6

Skill hardwirings increase the skill specified in the implant's description.

Skill hardwirings occupy implant slots 6-10 and allow the user to surpass the bonuses achieved from even level V in most skills by providing up to a 6% bonus to the same attribute as its namesake skill. For example, the slot 6 Inherent Implants 'Lancer' Small Energy Turret SE-601 increases Small Energy Turret damage by 1% (similar to Small Energy Turret). The code at the end of the hardwiring's name gives a good clue as to what it does, and how powerful it is. Using the example above, SE-601 shows that the implant boosts Small Energy Turret (due to the designation SE), the first number shows that it occupies implant slot 6 and the last number shows that it provides a 1% increase.

For lists of skill hardwirings organised by function, and a summary of slot options, see the List of Skill Hardwiring Implants.

Eve Online Implant Slots Games

Tips and Practical Applications with Jump Clones

Some clever things can be done when combining the specialization that implants allows on each clone and the ability to change between these clones - and potentially teleport across many systems or constellations - that jump clones enable. To be more precise, various jump clones with different sets of implants to fit different situations and amounts of risk involved can be swapped between depending on what you want to do that day. A lot of the high end implants are pretty expensive, it isn't unusual to see someone with implants vastly more expensive than their ship. For example, a training clone would have very expensive attribute enhancers, and almost never undock. As such, training skills during offline hours would be best suited to this clone. A low-sec PvP-dedicated clone should have skill hardwirings that enhance their PvP efficacy, and should furthermore be installed in a station in - or bordering - low-sec regions.


Eve Online Implant Slots Free

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