Harm Minimisation Gambling

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  • Gambling Harm-Minimisation Measures Post 1999

Gambling Harm-Minimisation Measures Post 1999

1 September 2019 Gaming machine harm minimisation There are laws in place to promote a culture of responsible gambling and protect people from problems associated with excessive gambling. Read: Gaming Machines Act 2001.

An Australian overview with particular reference to the Northern Territory

Lismore NSW 2480 Australia Harm Minimisation in Gambling Gambling is a recreational activity that, when restricted to affordable limit s, is experienced as an enjoyable socially acceptable leisure. Gainsbury, Juliette Tobias-Webb, and Robert Slonim, Behavioral Economics and Gambling: A New Paradigm for Approaching Harm-Minimization, 22 Gaming L. Adolphe et al., Crime and Gambling Disorders: A Systematic Review, 35 J. Abstract Background:Gambling venues and industry regulators utilise a variety of strategies to reduce potential consumer harm from gambling. These strategies originate at the level of governmental and industry policy, and are distinct from responsible gambling behavioural strategies that individual gamblers may choose to implement. The Strategy to Prevent and Minimise Gambling Harm 2019/20 to 2021/22 is the latest of those strategy documents. The strategy sets out the Ministry’s approach to and budget for funding and coordinating services to prevent and minimise gambling harm during the three year period starting 1 July 2019.


The purpose of the paper is to present an overview of the gambling harm-minimisation measures that are implemented across Australia with a view towards identifying those demonstrably effective measures that may be appropriate to the Northern Territory (NT) context.

The paper is separated into six key areas:

  • implications of the Productivity Commission’s 1999 Report
  • public health and responsible gambling
  • the gambling landscape in Australia
  • codes of practice in operation
  • harm-minimisation measures
  • a discussion of findings and key areas for further research.

While there were several recommended practices that were not widely supported across any of the different sectors, there was variation between the sectors in the practices that were adopted.

Over the last three decades the liberalisation of gambling has facilitated the emergence of a multi-billion dollar industry. In 2005-06 the total gambling turnover (the amount gambled) in Australia was over $148 billion. However, this development has not been accompanied by adequate or evaluated measures for consumer protection.

In 1999 the Productivity Commission’s report into Australia’s gambling industries represented the first comprehensive national study into the economic and social impacts of the gambling industry in Australia. This report highlighted an alarming level of problem gambling and other indirect social and economic costs. The Commission also reported a regulatory environment that was disjointed and inconsistent between jurisdictions. It identifies a need for:

  • policy which was open and developed through community and industry consultation
  • a separation between industry and government to avoid conflict of objectives and interests.

Most governments have initiated new responsible gambling practices since 1999. Responsible gambling and harm-minimisation measures have been introduced across all forms of gambling to help address the individual and social impacts of problem gambling.


For further information about this report or to access a hard copy:

Licensing NT
Department of Attorney-General and Justice
Phone: (08) 8935 7643
Email: AGD.LicensingNT@nt.gov.au

Last updated: 11 April 2019

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The 2016 Foundation-funded study Assessing gambling-related harm in Victoria identified seven types of harm experienced by people who gamble and those close to them.

These harms can be experienced on a spectrum that extends from no harm through to very severe harm. They can range from minor negative experiences to crisis point, which is often when people consider seeking professional help for their gambling. Severe harm can sometimes have a lasting impact, known as legacy harm, which can even transfer to the next generation.

In general, harm increases as the risk of problem gambling increases, so we see it more frequently in moderate-risk than low-risk gambling, and it is most prominent in people experiencing problem gambling.

The seven types of gambling harm identified are:

  • relationship difficulties
  • health problems
  • emotional or psychological distress
  • financial problems
  • issues with work or study
  • cultural problems
  • criminal activity.

Relationship difficulties

Relationship harm is the most common type of harm from gambling. It is a quarter of all gambling harm experienced by Victorians.


Relationship harm includes neglect of responsibilities, conflict, threats to end a relationship and the actual ending of a relationship.

People affected by someone else’s gambling are more likely than those who gamble to report conflict or tension in the relationship as a harm from gambling.


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‘We were always arguing and it was not only affecting me but also everyone around us, including my children.’

Health problems

Health problems account for one-fifth of gambling harm in Victoria. They include stress, reduced sleep due to worry, depression and anxiety disorders.

Increased use of health services because of issues exacerbated by gambling is a strong sign of harm among people who gamble and those close to them.

People experiencing problem gambling are more likely to be diagnosed with depression (41.9 per cent) compared to moderate-risk gamblers (24.1 per cent). They are also twice as likely (39.5 per cent) as moderate-risk gamblers (20 per cent) to be diagnosed with anxiety disorders. Around one in 10 low-risk gamblers report experiencing depression or anxiety disorders.

‘I had depression and anxiety. At first, I thought, “I wonder what’s causing this?”’


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of moderate-risk gamblers have been diagnosed with depression.

Harm Minimisation Gambling Download image version of the infographic ' 24%

of moderate-risk gamblers have been diagnosed with depression.



of people experiencing problem gambling have been diagnosed with depression.

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of people experiencing problem gambling have been diagnosed with depression.


Emotional or psychological distress

Emotional or psychological distress accounts for 18.6 per cent of gambling harm in Victoria.

Regret is an early sign of harm for people who gamble, while feelings of anger and hopelessness are early signs for people affected by someone else’s gambling.

‘I felt worthless, not even good enough to talk to people.’

Feelings of failure, vulnerability, worthlessness and extreme distress are experienced by people who gamble as well as those close to them. This implies those affected by someone else’s gambling are emotionally sharing the impact of gambling harm.

‘I thought it was just me; I was the broken thing.’

Financial problems

Financial problems account for 15.6 per cent of gambling harm in Victoria.

Reduced spending on other recreational activities is the least severe financial harm and an early sign of harm for people who gamble and those close to them.

Harm Minimisation Measures Gambling

‘I started risking money that should have been for necessities.’

Reduced spending on essentials like food, medication, and education is a strong sign of harm that increases with the severity of gambling problems. Accumulating credit debt and selling items to fund gambling are other signs that increase with risk of problem gambling. Bankruptcy is the most severe financial harm.

‘I couldn’t afford my rent. I couldn’t afford food.’

Issues with work or study

Issues with work or study account for 8.6 per cent of gambling harm in Victoria.

An early sign of harm is absenteeism among people who gamble and those close to them – this can also relate to other types of harm, such as emotional or psychological harm.

Reduced performance because of tiredness or distraction is a strong sign of harm often related to problem gambling. The most severe harms related to work or study are exclusion from study, loss of job and conflict at work.

‘I was missing lectures, going to the TAB and betting online.’

Cultural problems

Cultural harm is often connected with relationship harm because of the strong links between family and culture.

Cultural harm can include the personal conflict of gambling when it is against cultural beliefs, reduced ability to participate in cultural practices or meet community expectations, and reduced connection to the cultural community. It can result in shame, emotional distress and social isolation, and contribute to feelings of lost identity.

Given the important role of family, cultural harm can be felt intensely by those affected by someone else’s gambling. As the notion of shame is particularly strong in some cultural groups, gambling harm can have long-term effects (for example, damage to the family name), that can even have implications for the next generation.

Criminal activity

Criminal activity is more associated with problem gambling than less severe levels of risk.

The three main types of criminal activity connected with gambling harm are crimes of negligence such as child neglect (for example, leaving children unattended in venue car parks), crimes such as drug trafficking or prostitution to repay debts, and crimes of opportunity such as theft and fraud to fund gambling.

Harm minimisation strategies gambling

Harm Minimisation Gambling Definition

'It didn’t end until I heard the words: 'You’re under arrest'.

Harm Minimisation Strategies Gambling

Criminal activity can result in considerable long-term harm, including shame and stigma, a criminal record and the consequences of a prison sentence.

Victims of criminal activity can also be profoundly affected by this form of gambling harm.

Harm Minimisation Gambling Meaning

'I met other grandmothers inside. They had also stolen money to fund their gambling.'